We are pleased to announce that our office is open for surgeries and cosmetic procedures as well as dermatology appointments. We are offering in person and virtual consultations to accommodate our patients locally, nationally and from around the world.

Under the guidance from the CDC and the California Department of Public Health, The Roxbury Institute has put in place specific policies and guidelines to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff.

Out-of-Town and International Patients

Hotels and Dining

Transportation to and from the airport and around Los Angeles

Air and Long-Distance Traveling

If you have any questions or need assistance booking your travel please contact our patient coordinator, Evelyn, by email evelynf@theroxburyinstitute.com or phone 424-353-2522 option 3.


Before your visit

Please let us know if you are experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19 or have had recent exposure to persons confirmed to be COVID-19 positive.

What we are doing to protect our patients and our staff

Arriving for your appointment

If you need to reschedule your appointment, we ask that you contact us 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time so we can properly adjust and maintain our COVID-19 protocol and social distancing measures. Please call 424-353-2522 or email info@theroxburyinstitute.com to reschedule.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation and understating during this difficult time and very much look forward to seeing you soon.